Free clinic fills Pickleball courts at Lakeshore Rec
All eight Pickleball courts at Lakeshore Recreation were filled with new players learning the sport from members of the Port Elgin Pickleball Club, September 11...
Every one of the 375,870 steps counted for Parkinsons
Megan Dunn, Saugeen Shores Hub
The walk was worth it, at the inaugural WALK-IT for Parkinson’s event which raised $16,977 (and counting), for the Parkinson Society Southwestern Ontario...
Over $100,000 raised at fourth annual Liv-A-Little fundraiser
Megan Dunn, Saugeen Shores Hub
A whopping $110,000 was raised over the weekend at the fourth annual Swing, Shoot, and Liv Golf Tournament, September 10, at Saugeen Golf Club....
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