gregGreg Nicholson of The Rolling Thunder Choir performed The Doobie Brothers’ Long Train Runnin’ at Something Different Musical Extravaganza, April 23.

Hub Staff

Billed as “an exciting melding of musical talents and genres”, the Something Different Music Extravaganza held Saturday night, April 23 at the Port Elgin United Church, proved to be just that.

In its second year, the event acts as a fundraiser for the Summer Music in Southampton, which takes place July 25 to 29.

From The Rolling Thunder Choir, a near 50 member group of smartly dressed men and women; to High Strung with sisters Katherine Martinko and Sarah Jane, fiddles and cello “from Celtic to Czarda”; to The Noodle Factory, a local collective of talented musicians with jazzy undertones; and many more, the evening was a near sell out.

“About 400,” said Marg Funston, Registrar with Southampton Summer Music when asked how many were in attendance. “420 would be a sell out so I’d say we’re pretty close,” she said, adding that she was “very happy” with the turnout.

Michelle and Allan Jardin, who retired to Port Elgin seven years ago, at intermission on Saturday said they were enjoying the concert very much. “It’s our first one,” Michelle said.

For more information on Summer Music visit

 noodlefactoryA Saugeen Shores favourite, The Noodle Factory.

 jardinsAllan and Michelle Jardin came to enjoy their first Something Different Musical Extravaganza concert April 23.

 katherineHigh Strung, performing Saturday night at the Something Different concert, a Summer Music fundraiser, at the Port Elgin United Church.