record 560Hub Staff

On Friday, April 28, Jon Hepplewhite is throwing what he hopes to be the first of many Rabbit Dash Record Party events at his coffee house in downtown Port Elgin.

“Essentially an event to get all sorts of people who are into records and music and a love for music together and get them talking,” said Hepplewhite.

There will be a DJ performing for the 4 hour licensed event with visual accompaniment on a projection screen “for more atmosphere.”

“And we’re going to incorporate a bit of a used record market as well,” said Hepplewhite, who said he’s approached people he knows who have “insane collections” and want to offload some of their records to make room for new.

Rabbit Dash expanded last Fall into the neighbouring retail space, in part to make space for expanded vinyl sales. And in doing so, Hepplewhite has an ever-growing vinyl clientele.

Hepplewhite said on a daily basis he gets people in who either come in for the coffee and like browsing the vinyl or people who only come in for the vinyl. “They love vinyl, you know they’ve collected forever,” he said. “They have all their own stories and all their own favourites.”

But, Hepplewhite said, it’s always individuals who don’t seem to know each other. “If they just came in at the same time, they could start a conversation about this,” he said.

“I find in Port Elgin there’s so many cultural scenes, especially within the arts, that aren’t really out in the open... but there’s no real hubs for them to go to so I guess... we’re hoping to do that for music listeners,” said Hepplewhite, adding that he really wants to create a “can’t miss it sort of event” for music lovers.

The Rabbit Dash Record Party will take place on Friday, April 28 from 8 p.m. to 12 a.m.