calendar 560Hub Staff

The Port Elgin and Southampton BIA (Business Improvement Area) are holding their Annual General Meetings later this month.

Port Elgin BIA 2017 Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday, February 23 at 7:00 p.m. at The Wismer House in Port Elgin.

Agenda is as follows:

1. Welcome

2. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest

3. Adoption of Minutes - Thursday, February 25, 2016

4. Business arising from Minutes

5. Presentation of 2017 Budget

6. Financials

7. Coulter Parkette Improvements

8. Parking ideas for 2017

9. Initiatives for 2017

10. Open Floor to New Business

11. Adjournment

The Southampton BIA 2017 Annual General Meeting will take place on Tuesday, February 21 at 6:30 p.m. in the Southampton Town Hall Auditorium.

Agenda is as follows:

1. Welcome

2. 2016 Year in Review

3. Financials: 2016 Statement & 2017 Budget

4. Streetscape Presentation

5. Special Events Committee

6. 2016 Member Survey Results

For the 2017 Southampton BIA Budget, click here