Intro rev fullDog waste bags have been found littering our community’s parks and trails, many near playground equipment in parks including Nodwell Park, Eastwood Park and the Port Elgin Main Beach. Concerns have been received at the Municipal Office regarding waste and waste bags being left by dog owners, and the Town would like to remind residents that it is the responsibility of the dog owner to dispose of their dog’s waste, whether or not a garbage bin is available in the area. If no garbage is available, bags can be taken home and disposed of in household waste.

The Town provides a number of year round garbage bins in high traffic locations including:
o Saugeen Shores Off Leash Dog Park
o Rail Trail at River St.
o 10th Concession Washroom (Biener and Woodland Trail)
o Washroom behind Coulter Parkette (BMTS Building)
o North Shore Park (entering trail from Harbour parking lot)
o Jubilee Park
o Denny's Dam

This list can be found on the Parks and Trails page of Other garbage bins must be removed during winter months due to snow, lack of access and staffing limitations.

It is the goal of the Town to remind everyone to remove their garbage from municipal property. We can all help keep our parks and trails litter-free by removing the garbage we create or bring with us.

Leaving dog waste bags behind is a violation of Section 3.3.19 of the Waste Management By-law (39-2008) which states “No person shall knowingly spill, scatter, deposit, throw, cast, lay or cause to be thrown any waste on any street, alley, laneway, public or private way, or in any public square, place or private lot.” The fine for violating the By-law under the Provincial Offences Act is $65.00 including court costs.

The Town is asking the public’s help to report any incident of this nature. The date, time and location of the incident and the description of the dog and its owner should be reported to the Municipal Office. The information will be forwarded to the Animal Control Officer who will patrol the problem area. The identity of the caller will be protected.

Concerns can be brought to the attention of staff at the Municipal Office by calling 519-832-2008 or by visiting 600 Tomlinson Dr. Port Elgin. Service Requests can also be submitted online at by hovering over the orange eServices tab and choosing ‘Service Request.’3imagesdogbag2 full