town chamber logos fullThe Saugeen Shores Chamber of Commerce and the Town of Saugeen Shores have partnered to host a series of workshops for event planners in the community. The workshops are aimed at bringing local event organizers new information and techniques to create, promote and grow community events in Saugeen Shores.

The first of the free planned workshops will be Grants and Funding – A Panel Discussion on Tuesday, October 13 from 7 to 9:30 pm in Rotary Hall at the Plex. Event planners will learn what grants are available, what the funders are looking to see on applications, as well as be able to ask questions in the open floor question and answer period.

Those who would like to attend are asked to RSVP to

Panelists at the event will include: David Barnard - Canada Arts Presentation Fund; Christine Anderson - Ministry of Tourism, Culture & Sport; Kathleen Cleland Moyer - Ontario Trillium Foundation; Alex Hogan - Regional Tourism Organization 7; Aly Boltman - Community Foundation Grey Bruce; Jessica Linthorne - Town of Saugeen Shores; and Victoria Serda - SauGreen, Trees for Saugeen.

A second workshop, Marketing and Social Media for events, is planned for November 5.