Group560Members of the Port Elgin Splashpad Committee at Smiths' Apples and Farm Market with the new owners who donated $3,000 for a water feature at the proposed splash pad. Left to right, Amy Shute with Jameson St. Onge, Amanda Van Wieringen with Arie and Harlow, Jim Mondry, Katie Lutz and Coraline (stripes), Bre Moss with Emmett and Ruby and Kate Hagan with Brecken and Brielle.

Hub Staff

The Port Elgin Splashpad Committee has received a welcome donation of $3,000 from the new owners of Smiths' Apples and Farm Market, Katie Lutz and Jim Mondry, which will go to purchase a water feature for the proposed 226 square metre pad at North Shore Park in Port Elgin.

“We're so happy,” said Port Elgin Splash Pad Committee member, Amy Shute. “There's been a few other businesses that have stepped up but that's probably the largest one and we're very excited about it,” she said, who explained that the water feature will be dedicated to Smiths’ Apples and Farm Market.

Smiths' Apples owner, Katie Lutz who grew up in Port Elgin said they made the donation as they thought the splash pad was a great community initiative and wanted to do their part in the community.

“We have a daughter, she loves splash pads. They're wonderful as they're an accessible way for everyone to cool off,” said Lutz. “The nice thing is kids don't need bathing suits to be in them so if you don't have a lot of money, you don't need any special equipment, you don't need to pay to use them, they're such a wonderful thing.”

Shute explained that there are several options for businesses and organizations to donate and be recognized as well as families and individuals. Some of the options include an engraved pathway brick, stepping stone or landscaping stone, dedication bench or a water feature. There are also different levels of cash donations.

“Maybe it would make a good Christmas present,” said Shute. “People can have inscribed whatever they want on the stone or the brick or whatever they purchase,” she said, adding that there will also be a sponsor board which will list names and have logos displayed of contributors. “Anyone who donates gets on the logo board, even if it’s just $20 and anything over $20 gets a charitable tax receipt through the town.”

The splash pad was approved, in principle, by Saugeen Shores Council June 13 but has since been met with some opposition with regard to the proposed location.

The pad is expected to take up approximately 1.23% of the park, a section which is presently covered in turf grass, with a potential four trees, small- to medium-sized cedars, being displaced due to construction. The matter is up for discussion at Monday’s Committee of the Whole meeting.

Shute said the committee is currently at $260,000 of their goal $362,000 and are hoping to wrap up their fund raising by early fall.

Donations can be made at the Town of Saugeen Shores municipal office or by contacting a Splash Pad Committee member and questions can be asked through the Port Elgin Splashpad & Lake Huron Children's Festival Facebook page or by emailing

People can also donate through the committee’s gofundme page.

Coraline560A big smile for 5 year old Coraline as she holds a sign for the Port Elgin Splash Pad.