stjoes 560Grade 5 students from Scott Moorehead and Philippa Miller’s classes at St. Joseph’s School graduated from the DARE program taught by Saugeen Shores Police Constable Ken Cook. The program’s mascot, Daren the Lion, was even in attendance June 14.

Hub Staff

Fifth grade students from St. Joseph’s Catholic School and École Port Elgin Saugeen Central School graduated the DARE program June 14 and June 16. Both ceremonies were the culmination of 10 thought provoking lessons taught by Saugeen Shores Police Constable Ken Cook at St. Joseph’s and Constable Chantel Primeau at École Saugeen Central.

Known as Define, Assess, Respond and Evaluate, the DARE program focuses on life skills and helps students navigate situations in which they can find themselves. “Most of the lessons build on resistance strategies, how to get out of a situation they don’t want to be in; and communications, how to communicate confidently rather than being unsure,” said Constable Cook June 14. “We learned about bullying and what to do in a situation if you’re being bullied,” he added.

Cook said their last lesson taught the 5th graders about health and wellness and who to contact should they need help. The constable has been teaching the course for five years and said his first batch of students are now in grade 10. “I see them now and’s certainly a great way to build relationships with kids,” he said.

St. Joseph’s Grade 5 students and friends, Quinntana, Lucy and Mackenzie, said they enjoyed the DARE program and learned a lot, especially in the bullying and peer pressure lessons; and said they learned to laugh-it-out and make a joke about the situation, or to walk away, or simply say no. The girls, who acknowledged that they have faced bullies in their lives, remarked the importance of not being a bystander if they see someone being bullied.

The DARE program relies on outside funding which was in part provided by the Rotary Club, Faith Lutheran Church and the Chantry Island Cham-bettes.

epesc2 560École Port Elgin Saugeen Central School Grade 5 students graduated from the DARE program taught my Constable Chantel Primeau June 16.

cake 560The graduated were awarded with t-shirts, medals, prizes and cake.

cook 560Saugeen Shore Police Constable Ken Cook taught ten lessons from the DARE program over several weeks to the Grade 5 students at St Joseph’s School.

epesc 560Constable Chantel Primeau placed a medal around the necks of every graduate and provided them with a certificate of completion as well as a DARE t-shirt.