Bike Friendly Friday Tip 2 560


The Town of Saugeen Shores and the Saugeen Shores Police Service have partnered up to share weekly tips to encourage and educate all users on how to stay safe when enjoying our trails and roadways together.

Stay tuned for our Bike Friendly Friday tips this August.

Tip #2: Give space. Keep it safe. Leave 1 metre.

Did you know that the 1 Metre Safe Passing Law has been in effect since September 2015 on Ontario’s roadways? This law along with increased penalties for riding a bicycle without adequate lighting came into effect through Ontario’s Making Roads Safer Act (2015).

The 1 Metre Safe Passing Law protects cyclists by requiring drivers to ensure there is one metre of space between their vehicle and the person on a bicycle when passing on a roadway. When 1 metre of space cannot be provided due to oncoming traffic, vehicles must stay behind until traffic clears and it is safe to change lanes and pass on the left.

1m Safe Passing Law

Image courtesy of

What does 1 metre look like?

It’s about the length of a pool noodle! If you pass someone on a bike and a pool noodle could fit between you, you’ve provided 1 metre of space. When in doubt, stay behind until you’re confident you can provide proper space.

It’s all about mutual respect on the roadways.

Cyclists also have a critical role to play in sharing the road. Follow these tips:

• Ride in small formations that make it easier for vehicles to pass
• Ensure your bicycle has proper lighting and a bell
• Do not weave in and out of traffic
• Use proper hand signalling
• Be aware of traffic around you and surroundings
• Obey the rules of the road and bike related signs
• Pass parked or slow moving vehicles with a one metre distance when safe to do so

It is important that both cyclists and motorists are aware of this law and abide by it; working together we can all make sure everyone is safe out on our roads.
Thanks for reading this week’s Bike Friendly Friday tip. Upcoming tips include Sharing the Road and Sharing the Trail, or read last week’s tips on Bicycle Bells.

For more information about cycling in Saugeen Shores, and safety resources visit, and check out this great video from CAA South Central Ontario about staying safe on the road together.