
100 Women Who Care Grey Bruce presented their largest donation to date December 16. From left, Jen Wright, Bluewater Outdoor Education Foundation Board Member; Mike Schwindt, Development Manager, Bluewater Outdoor Education Foundation; Ron DeVisser, Bluewater Outdoor Education Foundation Board Member; Jen Isber-Legge, 100WWCGB nominating member; Elaine Bell, Styn Furness, Lynda Legge, and Marilyn Grahame, 100WWCGB.

Hub Staff

As they gear up for their first meeting of 2023, 100 Women Who Care Grey Bruce (100WWCGB) are looking back on the past year and celebrating their ever growing membership and their largest donation to date.

Their November meeting generated $19,700 for the Bluewater Outdoor Education Foundation which supports the Bluewater Outdoor Education Centre.

They presented the donation on December 16, 2022. "We were so excited to present them with our largest donation yet," said Lynda Legge, Chair of 100WWCGB. "They will be directing these funds to their 50th to the Future campaign to increase their ability to create meaningful, outdoor experiences for all kids and adults who attend," Legge added.

Mike Schwindt, Development Manager for Foundation will be in attendance at the 100WWCGB's April meeting. "He will talk with us about the work they do and how our donation made an impact at the Outdoor Education Centre," said Legge.

2022 saw the group increase their membership by an additional 40 members, resulting in over $68,000 in donations to charities across Grey Bruce. They meet four times a year, in person and on Zoom, and members nominate and vote on which charity the group will support at each of their four meetings. By joining members agree to contribute $100 four times a year.

The more members they have, the bigger the donation. Having long exceeded their 100 member targe, the group is heading into their April meeting with over 200 members. "We have women signing up every few days," said Legge.

The 2023 meetings are scheduled for April, June, September and November.

Anyone interested can find more information at 100womengreybruce.ca, email any questions to WWCGreyBruce@outlook.com, or attend a meeting to see if they are a good match.