Aerial shot of Bruce Power's Bruce A site.

The public is invited to join Bruce Power's Chief Operating Officer and Executive Vice-President James Scongack at 7pm on July 29 for a virtual community information session. The session is open to all members of the public and will provide an update on the Bruce C Project.

"The project aims to create an option to build up to 4,800 megawatts of new nuclear capacity at the Bruce Power site, located within the Territory of the Saugeen Ojibway Nation, in the Municipality of Kincardine," read a July 24 media release from Bruce Power.

“I look forward to this opportunity to engage with our community members to share the latest information regarding the Bruce C Project,” Scongack said. “Bruce Power is committed to ensuring interested parties remain informed and engaged throughout the process and I look forward to answering your questions during the livestream event.”

To register for the livestream, visit