two women side by side

Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash.

Hub Staff

In hopes of bringing attention to the ongoing issue of Violence Against Women (VAW) and Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), the Southport chapter of Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) announced two important dates coming up in Saugeen Shores.

On November 11 Saugeen Shores Council will consider a motion from Councilor Cheryl Grace with regard to the Town declaring IPV an epidemic. "Over 100 municipalities, including our neighbours, Kincardine and Goderich, have already passed declarations, read a recent media release from CFUW Southport. "It is hoped that by making such a declaration, we send a clear message to perpetrators that violence is not acceptable," the release said.

In addition, the group hopes that victims of violence and their families feel the support of their community and that additional resources and supports would also come as a result.

Council meets at the Plex in Port Elgin, 600 Tomlinson Drive, or those wishing to attend can also do so virtually at

CFUW Southport is also planning their annual vigil on the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, December 6 at Coulter Parkette, the corner of Goderich and Green Street.

The 34th annual event is in hour of the 14 women who were killed at École Polytechnique in Montreal in 1989 as well as missing women and girls from Saugeen First Nation who are among the more than 1,200 missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls across Canada.

"We welcome all members of the community to stand together with us," the release said.