Southampton Sweater Day hands up 560Local photographer, Jennifer O’Reilly was on hand to take a photograph of the first annual Southampton Sweater Photo Day from a boom truck. Jennifer O’Reilly photo


From the Saugeen Team at Re/Max in Southampton, we wish to thank all those who participated in the first annual Southampton Sweater Photo Day on Saturday, August 27.

We were blown away by the turnout. It is the support by people like you who make the community of Southampton so incredible.

We can't wait to see how this event will grow in the coming years. We hope to see you all back at the beach for another great Southampton photo opportunity next summer so stay posted.

The final tally:
151 people
3 dogs
1 Teddy Bear (Hampton)
1 doll

Lauren Palko
on behalf of The Saugeen Team

See: Over 100 gather for first annual Southampton Sweater Day