letter to the editor 560x373


Please register this letter as strong support for the establishment of the proposed Nuclear Innovation Institute for Saugeen Shores. This initiative offers the Town of Saugeen Shores an unprecedented opportunity to benefit from, and provide benefit to the next step in solidifying the future of the entire County of Bruce as an integral part of the nuclear scene in Canada, and in fact in the world.

My background in this area stretches back to the late 1940s when my parents had a much beloved cottage on Saugeen Beach Road. In those days, it was virtually impossible for a Port Elgin youngster to remain in his or her hometown to pursue a career. Developing educationally, or professionally always meant leaving town to establish oneself. It was virtually impossible to entertain the prospect of a meaningful career without relocating away from friends, family and hometown. That changed significantly in the years following with the establishment of the nuclear facility, and many young families were then able to live a productive life in their chosen career while remaining in Bruce County. I think it would be hard to find someone who could legitimately deny the benefits of what the Bruce Nuclear Power Development has brought to us. What a different local world we live in now.

This next initiative is simply another step forward in solidifying our community as a significant player in the nuclear industry - an industry that now seems to have no borders and is established literally worldwide. The benefits of having it located in our community are inestimable. Think of the benefits that will come from this institute, not only economically, but literally affecting such pressing world issues as global warming. The benefits that would roll out of this institute are countless. Saugeen Shores would be at the epicentre of research arising from the benefits that nuclear energy has proven time and time again to be beneficial to our world.

There are countless other communities that would give anything to have the economic and social supports that the BNPD and its ancillary industries have brought. Here in Saugeen Shores, we have the existing basis for establishing a hugely successful and highly respected institute that would benefit not only those of us who live here, but through its research and scientific achievements could have an incredibly beneficial effect literally on mankind, and the issues facing us as inhabitants of this planet.

There are simply no negatives. It's time to put the whistles away and realize how important and integral to this community that this initiative is.

In my humble opinion, we all need to line up in the support of an incredible opportunity, regardless of our preferences for its location.

W. Kent Milroy,
Port Elgin

We welcome your letters to news@saugeenshoreshub.ca.