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Saugeen Shores is joining communities across Ontario to celebrate Bike Month this June. This is Saugeen Shores’ first official Bike Month and includes guided bike rides, a Bike to School Challenge, Bike to Work Day and opportunities for the public to win prizes, simply for riding their bikes. All activities activities are free.

In a Town of Saugeen Shores media release, the Bike to School Challenge, a friendly competition between local elementary schools, takes place June 11 to 15, with the winning school earning a tree for their schoolyard courtesy of Trees for Saugeen.

Thursday, June 28 marks the Town’s inaugural Bike to Work Day; participants are invited to stop by Coulter Parkette or the Southampton Town Hall for free coffee and treats from 7 to 9 a.m.

Social media messages will promote activities, encourage safe cycling and educate the public sharing the road or trail whether travelling by on foot, bike or vehicle. The Town is also celebrating with a social media contest. The public is invited to tag @ParksRecSS on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram using the hashtags #ssbikemonth, #sslovesbiking and #pedaltheshore for a chance to win one of two $50 Chamber Bucks gift certificates.

The launch of Bike Month coincides with a new partnership between the Town of Saugeen Shores, Martin’s Bicycle Shop and the Southampton Handlebar Club. Kicking off June 3, Martin’s Bicycle Shop will host regularly scheduled guided community bike rides from June to September as well as one-off specialty rides. Rides are free for participants and will depart from Martin’s Bicycle Shop. Tours include Tuesday Breakfast Rides, a Wednesday Farmer’s Market Tour and the family friendly TGIF Cruiser Ride.

“This year’s Bike Month builds on our work towards becoming a bicycle friendly community, and encourage people of every age to hop onto their bike,” said Lisa Billing, Recreation Supervisor with the Town of Saugeen Shores. “We are thrilled with the community support we’ve received, and are excited to launch a full month of activities to get people outside and exploring Saugeen Shores by bike.”

A full 2018 Bike Month calendar and more information related to cycling in Saugeen Shores, visit